Saturday 10 May 2008

Pawz dog Walk

Last Monday with it been a holiday Dad ask a few of the fosters if they would like a walk together.

As always he left it to the last minute (ok he was still getting Robbie settled and sorting out a home check for saffy) But Marie and her gang and Sylvia and her dog came along. Saffy would have come with Sylvia but she went to her new home on Monday morning.
We had a great time chasing balls, jumping in the river I ment to do it this time.
The other people in the park did say what a lot of dogs ok there was 7 of us with 6 of us running around off our leads. Only Jacky was on his lead as Marie had only picked him up the day before.

Jet having fun with the spotty dogs.

Jet and Robbie in the river with Del thinking about it.


BenTheRotti said...

That looks like a lot of fun!!!

*pout* I wanna come jump in the river!!!

Ben xxxxxx

i said...

Ooh that sure is fun! I've never been to a river before!

Johann The Dog said...

Wow, that water looks like loads of fun! I'm with Ben, I want in!

Woofs, Johann